*Originally published 5/17/14*
Having grandchildren is a joy like no other. Having a grandchild with a chronic illness is a heartbreak like no other. We've watched Cassidy go from an outgoing, athletic girl to one who sometimes cannot even get out of bed. Most other children in her shoes would have given up without a fight. Not Cassidy! On her good days, you wouldn't even know she has a problem.
Even though she has missed a lot of school, she has maintained a high GPA, and has been inducted into the Honor Society. She has her own blog, and communicates with other Lymies from around the country. She worries about how they are feeling, and how she can help them. When 'Grammy' is not feeling well, Cassidy will come over to take care of her. Their roles are reversed. As her grandparents, we watch her and marvel at her concern for others and her resilience. She makes us 'kvell.'
We cannot begin to say how proud we are of her. A lot of credit goes to her family, who are with her all the way. Her fight is their fight!
Our youngest granddaughter has shown great strength in her efforts to help find a cure for this hideous illness. We pray for that cure in the near future, so that Cassidy, and the other Lymies, will not have to fight this battle anymore.
