*Originally published 3/22/13*
Chronic Lyme Disease. Most people don't take into account the "chronic " and "disease" parts. But they are important. According to the dictionary, "a disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism." "Chronic" refers to a human health condition or disease that is persistent or long lasting. These two words are what make Chronic Lyme Disease very different from regular Lyme, which can sometimes be treated with just 2 weeks of antibiotics.
The politics surrounding Lyme are ridiculous. Some say that there is no such thing as chronic Lyme. It is said that once you have been diagnosed with Lyme, if you're not better within two weeks of taking your antibiotics, you're either faking or crazy. Well, we are NOT faking and we are NOT crazy. Chronic Lyme does exist and we need help.
There is no quick or easy cure for this disease. The path is long and bumpy. Chronic Lyme can literally take the life away from you. Many people have to drop out of school and quit their jobs. It takes over their lives and they can't stop it. Everyone's body is different, so they react to treatment differently. If one set of antibiotics works on one person, it won't necessarily work for the next person. So many people have it but don't speak up. So I'm speaking up because I'm tired of the pain and in tired of waiting to feel better.
We need help because living like this isn't really living at all.