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Writer's picture: Cassidy ColbertCassidy Colbert

*Originally published 11/22/17*

This week for my blog for Montgomery College we were asked to write about what we were thankful for. That blog has a word limit, so I thought I would add on to what I am thankful for here:

My Friends

Having a chronic illness is not only hard on your body, it is hard on your relationships too. While I’ve had relationships come and go through this journey, some have stayed, and for that I am thankful. I am thankful for my two best friends, Payten and Emma, who have stuck with me and supported me. I am thankful for all the hangouts we’ve had that consist of just snuggling up in bed watching movies because I am too tired to do anything else. I am thankful for all of the times you two check up on me, and let me know that I have not been forgotten about. I missed out on a lot because of this disease but having the very best friends is not one of them.

My Family

Now I talked about my family a little bit in my MC blog, but there is so much more to say. Words could never express how thankful I am for all the support and care my family has given me over the past few years. I am thankful for my aunts, uncles, and cousins who constantly support me and make me smile, day in, and day out. I am thankful for my Grammy and Pop-Pop who spoil me with food and snuggles whenever I need it. I am thankful for my brother, Dustin, who never stops trying to stop my pain with new techniques he learns at Physical Therapy school. I am thankful for my brother-in-law Will who never fails to make me laugh, especially on my terribly, awful, no good, very bad days. I am thankful for my sister who has had to bathe me numerous times over the years, yet never complains. I am thankful for my nephew who gives me a reason for getting out of bed each morning. I am thankful for my dad who goes to the store eighteen times a day to get me all of my medicines and things just to make me feel a little better. I am thankful for my mom who has been my biggest advocate and warrior and never, never gives up on me. I am sure my family members never imagined that they would have to carry me when I am almost 20 year olds, but they do. I am sure my family never imagined they’d have to be my chauffeurs because I am too sick to drive, but they do. I am sure my family never imagined they would have to acupuncture me to get me out of a paralysis episode, but they do. This past week, I have been paralyzed probably over 50 times and the help and support I received from my family was astounding, but I would never expect anything less. I come from the best family in the world and I am so thankful for that.

My Lymie Family

Having a chronic incurable disease is extremely difficult, but I cannot even begin to imagine going through this without my Lymie family. I am thankful for my very first Lyme friend and mentor Tania who is always there to give me advice when it seems like my world is crumbling in around me. I am thankful for my Lyme chickens, Hannah, Abby, Kerry, and Jessica, who are the lights of my life and always pick me up when I am down. I am thankful for all the warriors out there who fight this battle everyday along side of me-they are the reason I fight so hard. No one truly gets having Lyme disease until they get Lyme disease, and I thankful that I have people who truly understand what I am going through in my corner.

This Blog

Before I started this blog, I was in a really dark place. It was the first time in my life I was going to miss softball season and I just did not know how to cope with it. My days were spent in the dark, in my bed, alone and the depression crept in. That is when my sister suggested I write a blog to get my feelings out, and I am so thankful she did. This blog is how I get out what I am too afraid to say normally. Sometimes it gets gloomy, but that is the reality of life; life is not always sunshine and rainbows. It is hard for me to express what having Lyme disease is like to people that do not have it, and I like to use this blog to do just that. Through this blog I have not only helped myself, but helped others as well, and I am so thankful for that. I have had numerous people reach out to me through this blog because they themselves, or someone they know, has Lyme disease and they need help. I can hope that maybe if someone reads just one of my blogs, they will be a little more knowledgeable about this abdominal disease, and that in turn, could help thousands. This blog has saved me over and over again, and for that I am forever thankful.


Last, but not least, I am thankful for my Lyme disease. Without my Lyme, I would not be the person I am today. I never would have found out how strong I truly am, and for that I am thankful. I never would have discovered how messed up the world really is, and for that I am thankful. I never would have found my Lyme family, and for that I am thankful. I never would have discovered who my true friends are, and for that I am thankful. I never would have discovered my passion for writing and advocacy, and for that I am thankful. I have to learn how to adapt to my circumstances and be more accepting of what life throws at me, and for that I am thankful. I never would have understood my body the way I do, and for that I am thankful. Lyme disease is a part of my life, I may not like it, but I am thankful for the woman it has turned me into.

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